The AHACKATHON is a competition to develop software or codes to solve society’s problems – in this case, challenges faced by ASEAN governments in humanitarian logistics. All teams will have 48 hours to finish the application.
AHAckathon Voting
Starts Now!
Visit the Team YouTube link
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The Competition
- Team of 5-8 members collaborating online
- 48 hours to design and create the app
- Must have at least 2 ASEAN nationals in the team
Save the date
- Oct 2 Sat 13:30pm, Kick-off meeting
- Oct 8 Fri 13:00pm, Start of competition
- Oct 10 Sun 18:00pm, End of competition
- Oct 13 Wed 13:30pm, Awarding ceremony
*Jakarta time GMT+7:00. All events are online

The Perks
- Get a chance to collaborate with hackers across the globe.
- Get coaching from experienced start-up entrepreneurs and design thinking experts
- Get exposure to potential investors
- Create transparency for donors and public

The Challenge
This hackathon aims to provide new solutions to humanitarian and logistics problems. Teams select a problem to solve from the list below:
- Identify needs and fulfil them quickly
- Keep beneficiaries informed
- Receive feedback about the response
- Increase logistics efficiency and effectiveness
- Take better informed decisions
- Create transparency for donors and public

The Winning Edge
The criteria for winning the competition are as follows:
- Fit-for-purpose solution 30%
- Innovativeness 25%
- Potential to scale up 25%
- Social pitch 20%
Not a coder? Not a problem!
Our competition is open to all students, amateurs and professionals –
Whether you have a background in software development or disaster management,
sciences and humanities, architecture and engineering, arts and design
your ideas count!