Call for Submission for 4th Edition of ARMOR
The AHA Centre is calling for aspiring experts, researchers, practitioners, policy-makers and entrepreneurs of ASEAN Member States, and those working in the ASEAN region to contribute article(s) for the 4th edition of ASEAN Risk Monitor and Disaster Management Review (ARMOR). For this edition, ARMOR will take focus on Sustainable Resilience. With the rapidly increasing level of risk of disasters exacerbated by the effects of climate change, the discussions are now focus on the efforts and urgent actions required to ensure that resilience is sustainable.
Interested parties are expected to send their Expression of Interest, consisting of the following information: proposed chapter title, 300 words of abstract, and 50 words of prospective author(s) profile. Expression of Interest should reach ARMOR Board of Editors by Friday, 31 March 2023 (deadline extended) by email to with cc to Interested parties are encouraged to refer to the Theme for ARMOR 4th Edition and Authors’ Guidelines.