For the twenty-first week of 2022, a total of 30 disasters (24 floods, 2 landslides, 2 storms, and 2 wind-related) affected the region. Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Viet Nam have reportedly been affected. Heavy rainfall, strong wind, high tide in the coastal area, and overflowing of the rivers have caused flooding and rain-induced landslides and wind-related events were reported by Badan Nasional Penganggulangan Bencana (BNPB) over Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi. According to the Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika (BMKG) a M6.2 earthquake occurred at 819 km Southwest of South Nias (North Sumatra) with a depth of 10 km on 25 May and a M6.5 earthquake occurred at 85 km Southwest of Southwest Maluku with a depth of 104 km on 27 May. As of reporting time, no significant damages nor casualties have been reported by the BNPB. The Agensi Pengurusan Bencanna Negara (NADMA) reported that flooding occurred in Perak and Selangor State. The Viet Nam Disaster Management Authority (VNDMA) reported that storm, flooding, and landslides have affected North and North Central Region of Viet Nam. Lastly, the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DDPM) reported that the southwest monsoon has caused windstorms in multiple regions of Thailand.
According to BNPB, high tide in the coastal area of northern Java Island since 23 May have caused flooding, particularly in West and Central Java Province. In total, 23K families (88.4K persons) have been affected and 2K persons have been displaced in Cirebon City and Cirebon Regency (West Java Province), and Semarang City, Tegal City, Pekalongan City, Rembang, Demak, Tegal, Batang, Kendal, Pekalongan, and Brebes Regency (Central Java). Reports of damages include 20.5K houses, 5 schools, and 2 health facilities. Flooding has reportedly started to recede in a few areas and people going to work are back to normal conditions. Local disaster management agencies and relevant agencies have carried out necessary actions and continue to monitor, conduct data collection, assess the situation, and provide support and logistics to the affected people.
For the past week, data from the ASEAN Specialised Meteorological Centre (ASMC) showed high 7-day average rainfall spreading across Papua in Indonesia; southern Myanmar; northern Luzon of the Philippines; and northern Viet Nam. As of reporting, Tropical Disturbance INVEST 93W is located approximately 225 km East of Hinatuan, Surigao del Sur. INVEST 93W forecasted to move generally northwest over the next 2 days and has a LOW chance of developing into a significant tropical cyclone in the next 24 hours (PAGASA, JTWC).
Three (3) significant earthquakes (M?5.0) were recorded in the region by Indonesia’s Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika (BMKG). Mount Semeru (alert level III), Ibu (alert level II), and Dukono (alert level II) in Indonesia, and Taal Volcano (alert level 2), and Mount Kanlaon (alert level 1) in the Philippines reported recent volcanic activity according to the Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG) and the Philippine Institute of Vulcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS).
According to the ASEAN Specialised Meteorological Centre (ASMC), for the coming week, wetter conditions are expected over the southern Maritime Continent; drier conditions are expected over much of the eastern half of the equatorial region; cooler conditions are expected over southern Mainland Southeast Asia and parts of the Philippines; and warmer conditions are expected over the southeastern Maritime Continent. For the regional assessment of extremes, there is a moderate increase in chance to occur in southeastern Maritime Continent including Sulawesi and Papua, and small increase in chance in the parts of Peninsular Malaysia, and southern Borneo for extreme hot conditions. La Niña conditions are still present in the Pacific. At the seasonal timescale, La Niña events tend to bring wetter conditions to much of the ASEAN region. Negative Indian Ocean Dipole is likely to develop in June. Negative IOD tend to bring wetter conditions to much of the ASEAN region.
ASEAN Disaster Monitoring & Response System (DMRS); ASEAN Specialised Meteorological Centre (ASMC); Joint Typhoon Warning Centre (JTWC);
Indonesia: BNPB, BMKG, PVMBG;
Malaysia: NADMA;
Philippines: PAGASA, PHIVOLCS;
Thailand: DDPM;
Viet Nam: VNDMA;
Various news agencies