The ACE Programme journey of learning together brings about better trust, collaboration and building networks among disaster management officers across the ASEAN region.

During the course, trainees come to have a better understanding of the differences and similarities in disaster management structures and the policies and good practices of each ASEAN country. Visits and exposure to different countries also give course participants more learning opportunities on how other countries prepare for, respond to and recover from, different types of disasters.

The ACE Programme is delivered in partnership with UN agencies, the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, civil society partners and academic, training and technical institutions. In this way, the Programme brings together the expertise and experience of more than 30 partners and practitioners in the field, thus facilitating an expanded network of disaster management professionals in the region.



Ms. Mary Ann Sarah Ulat,
Office of Civil Defense (OCD) – National Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Council (NDRRMC) The Philippines (Batch 6)

“As a middle manager and future leader in DRRM, continuous growth is important. Through the ACE Programme, my learning process has empowered me holistically. It was a personal journey with a shared goal. It widened my horizon professionally and personally that made me see what the world can offer and I in return. The technical know-how we acquired and more importantly the relationship that we started to build among ASEAN brothers and sisters as well as other partners whom we crossed path with during the ACE journey is a strong foundation in building national resilience and reinforcing One ASEAN One Response”