What is ADILab?

The ASEAN Disaster Information Laboratory or “ADILab” is a research arm of the AHA Centre and a community of practice in the ASEAN Region. The community shall consist of, though not limited to, professionals, researchers, the academia, and enthusiasts, that share a common interest to innovate, promote, and exchange knowledge in the field of disaster risk management.


What's up? (as of 27 Jan 2023)

  • Call for Committee Heads Candidacy. For those who signified their interest to run as Committee Head, please send the following to adilab@ahacentre.org with the subject “ADILab Committee Head Candidacy – Chosen Committee (Innovation and Research/Network and Partnerships/Capacity Building)” by 27 January 2023. EXTENDED UNTIL 31 January 2023.
    1. One-pager introducing the candidate and vision for ADILab 
    2. Three-slide maximum slide deck on how candidate will achieve his/her/their vision. 
  • Election of Committee Heads. The election would be held in an online manner. Candidates’ profiles would be uploaded in this microsite as well as the link to the election.
  • 1st ADILab Meeting (March 2023). The 1st ADILab Meeting will be held in March 2023. Stay tuned!


The humanitarian landscape as well as the nature of disasters are constantly changing and the latter, subject to exacerbation by the effects of climate change. Disaster management organisations and other relevant humanitarian actors continue to grow in numbers and capacities. Additionally, private sector and academia involvement in ASEAN are seen to have significant potential. For the private sector, the importance of disaster management is seen as a key to improve resilience and sustainability. While for the academia, an untapped potential to improve disaster resilience through scientific evidence from an innovative perspective. Hence, ADILab operates with the following objectives:


A think-tank that is a regional hub of knowledge and innovation


A community of practice for like-minded individuals with the genuine interest to advance disaster risk reduction and management


A platform where knowledge meets, is shared, and is generated


The AHA Centre Work Plan 2025 is attuned with the ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response (AADMER) Work Programme 2021 – 2025, to ensure ASEAN’s cohesive and coordinated unity in responding to disasters is both strengthened and aligned. ADILab shall mainly accomplish the following AHA Centre Work Plan Sub-Outputs:

Sub-Output ASEAN Disaster Information Laboratory (ADILAB), which is a research and innovation network or community of practice on disaster risk assessment, established, and operationalised

Sub-output An online repository platform for relevant risk assessment reports, disaster scenarios, technical studies, best practices, and other relevant knowledge products, developed, enhanced and maintained as part of the ADINet

Sub-output An online repository of data analysis methods developed, enhanced, and maintained

Sub-output An online repository focusing on climate change as part of the ASEAN Disaster Information Network (ADINet) established and maintained


In the broad field of Disaster Risk Reduction and Management, ADILab shall aim to be presently active and participative in 5 thematic areas (namely Early Warning Information Systems, Anticipatory Action, Climate Change Impact on Disasters, Hazard and Disaster Monitoring and Analysis, and Cross-cutting themes (PGI, Community-based DRR, nature-based solutions, etc.). We aim to have ADILab serve as a platform; extending the opportunity for diverse like-minded individuals to communicate and engage each other via various knowledge exchange and capacity building activities. 

Early Warning Systems and Information

Climate Change Impacts on Disasters

Hazard and Disaster Modelling and Analysis

Anticipatory Action

Cross-cutting Themes


Leverage on the AHA Centre’s extensive network of humanitarian, operational, technological, and developmental partners to create real-world impact in the ASEAN region and beyond, build and update your skillset in the disciplines where disaster risk reduction and management intersects, be part of a community built by ASEAN for ASEAN, and contribute to the reduction of disaster losses in the region.

Extensive network

Publicity and reach

Enhanced skills

Create real-world impact

Registrations as of 31 December 2022
